Popular Media Clips

1. Alcoholism on Professional Performance:

(Grey’s Anatomy clip of Dr. Webber) VIDEO http://abc.go.com/watch/greys-anatomy/93515/241074/new-history#sl-0 (view 40:23 to 42:38)

This clip depicts the adverse affects of alcoholism in relation to professional interactions and in this case, management of a hospital and medical care.

Do you think these symptoms and results of alcoholism in the medical profession are accurately portrayed?

Some of the topics presented include: neglect of family, uncharacteristic reactions to conflicts, increasing inability to deal with numerous stresses of the workplace, and increasing inattentiveness to procedures.

Does it depict alcoholic relapse well?

It presents the idea that co-workers are unable to identify Dr. Webber’s issue, though it has clearly resulted in various negative consequences. This corresponds to the commonality of co-workers being unaware, sometime for long periods of time, that another individual in the workplace is either abusing a substance for the first time, or has relapsed.

Additionally, the clip shows the inability of Dr. Webber to stop using the substance (alcohol in this case), though he is aware of the negative effects it has on his professional and personal life.

2. Prescription Drug Theft:

(Scrubs, “My Drug Buddy” Season 1) VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqJQEw14JGk

In this clip, after Percocet pills are reported missing from the hospital, the main character (JD) discovers that they have been stolen by his new girlfriend (Alex), who is a hospital social worker addicted to the drug.

Does the clip work to realistically portray who drug abusers are and what their motivations are?

This clip identifies drug addicts as everyday people, possibly even “someone you thought you could really like”, as JD states. It also touches on the idea that it is difficult to identify a drug abuser from surface observation by portraying the addict as an attractive and successful medical professional.

Also, the show spends sometime on the rationalization of the drug dependency, citing topics such as high levels of stress in the workplace, and the ability to control the dependency (“It’s not like I have a problem!).

Finally, to address the problem, JD advises the drug abuser of resources and people to contact concerning getting help, but this is as far as he goes.
In your opinion, does JD handle the situation well? If not, how might you handle this type of situation differently?

3. Intervention

Group of co-workers and professional superiors assemble to conduct an intervention for Dr. Carter, who is addicted to painkillers.

Does the clip depict the intervention realistically?

It depicts the arguments commonly encountered when confronting drug addicts (such as denial of a problem, arguing that it can be controlled, and defensive anger). The clip also mentions treatment methods, such as inpatient treatment facilities.

However, the clip doesn’t involve any professional assistance in the intervention, which is usually encouraged to make the intervention as effective as possible.

4. Medical Drug Abuse in the News

This news report covers the recent medical drug abuse of a strong sedative substance named Propofol.

The report shows the extremely potent nature of the drug by demonstrating the ability of the sedative to stop breathing in a sedated patient.

Also, the report interviews a formerly addicted nurse anesthetist, who describes the drugs as a solution to her emotional and physical pain. This works in tandem with the research posted in other entries concerning the prevalence of drug abuse in high stress medical specialties.

However, the special report does include a notion of the public stigma associated with medical drug abuse; that being the idea that health care professionals should “know better” than to abuse the drugs they understand so well.

Is it justifiable for the public to feel this way about medical substance abuse?


  1. This post gives all details of the intervention services and their services regarding saving the addicted people for drug and alcohol.Drug addiction interventions

  2. Drug abuses occurs when you are not able to control your use of prescribed drugs or are using an illegal substance to the point that it interferes with your ability to function. According to the National Institutes of Health, about 40 million illnesses and serious injuries are the result of drug abuse in the United States (NIH).

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